Monday, September 4, 2023

"Godzilla Minus One" Official Trailer

From the fine folks at Toho Co., Ltd., the official trailer of Godzilla Minus One has been posted at YouTube. 


  1. Hello, I have been trying to find your email address for this, with no luck, so i guess this will do. I came across your name in an article on the web mentioning your book. In your research, did you happen to come across a japenese monster film, released sometime in the 50 60s that had a child who grew to be a giant. The film was very dark. I cant remember much about the film but I think there were other monsters in it. If you have any iij ng about this film please email me at thank you

  2. No, that movie doesn't ring a bell. Perhaps J. D. Lees, the publisher of G-FAN, is familiar with the movie. He frequents this blog and will no doubt see your query and respond. - A.

  3. Hi. I think you may be referring to Frankenstein Conquers the World, in which a small boy (presumably arising from the irradiated heart of the Frankenstein monster) grows to a height of 20 meters and battles a surviving dinosaur that burrows underground. It's a fun movie and shows off a lot of different places around Japan. It is pretty dark and creepy in places. Armand knows this movie well, but if I am correct, he didn't quite recognize it from your synopsis.

  4. That makes sense. The synopsis threw me. Plus, even though I have the movie, I haven't watched it since George W. Bush's first term. Thanks for coming through! - A.
