Monday, September 4, 2023

Happy Labor Day

Today is Labor Day. I plan on spending the day at home and driving either the Jeep or the mini-bike.

After being around nearly 70 years, past Labor Days are all a blur to me. Except one.

That would be Labor Day of 1984 when friend Paul Evans and I went to Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley, California for the kick-off rally of President Ronald Reagan's general election re-election campaign. 

Above, President Reagan addresses the rally in Fountain Valley. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There were a lot a people at the campaign rally (50,000 and 15,000 more who couldn't get in) and joining the Reagans on the platform included Charlton Heston, Johnny Grant, Gov. George Deukmejian, Sen. Pete Wilson, Campaign Director Ed Rollins, Rep. Robert K. Dornan, Maureen Reagan and her husband Dennis Revell.

Here's a video of Reagan's speech:

Happy Labor Day!

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