Friday, September 8, 2023

Lujan Grisham Issues Unconstitutional Executive Order Against 2nd Amendment

A killer of an eleven-year-old child is still on the loose and what does the governor of New Mexico do about it? She, by "executive order", is violating the constitutional rights of the people of Bernalillo County.

Again, Gov. "Malevolent" Michelle Lujan Grisham is acting like a Nazi dictator. 

KRQE reported:

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham said she will enact a temporary ban on carrying firearms in any public space across Bernalillo County. The governor made the announcement during a news conference Friday.

Sitting alongside the Albuquerque Police Chief and Bernalillo County Sheriff. The governor says part of this new order is a 30-day suspension on open and concealed carry on public property for anyone other than law enforcement or licensed security. “I’ve warned everyone that we expect a direct challenge, probably as you’re writing this we’re getting a challenge, and that’s the way it should work. But I have to take a tough direct stand, or basically I’m just ignoring the fact that we lost an 11-year-old, another child,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. 

The order is effective as of Friday, September 8, 2023, and only applies to Bernalillo County. The governor is basing the order on the county averaging more than 1,000 violent crimes per 100,000 people, and a lot of emergency room visits for gun injuries.

As for enforcement, she admits it will be “complicated” but they’re working with New Mexico State Police and district attorneys on how it will work. The governor says anyone caught breaking the order will fall under a “civil violation” connected to her public health order.

In response: 

“A child is murdered, the perpetrator is still on the loose, and what does the governor do? She throws the mayor of Albuquerque under the bus and then targets law-abiding citizens with an unconstitutional gun order. Tragically, this is what we have come to expect from an administration that refuses to take responsibility for the crime epidemic gripping our state. It is time for the governor to stop pointing fingers and admit that her soft-on-crime approach has failed and put the safety of all New Mexicans in great jeopardy.”


As far as her unconstitutional executive order goes, the people of New Mexico should tell Gov. "Malevolent" Michelle Lujan to, "take your executive order and stick up your old gazoo, Michelle!"

She has no authority to suspend the constitutional rights of anyone, not even for a day. None.

To read more, go here.

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