Friday, September 8, 2023

RPNM Statement on Governor’s Unconstitutional Firearm Order


RPNM Statement on Governor’s Unconstitutional Firearm Order

Albuquerque, September 8th—Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed an executive order to ban open and concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque and Bernalillo Counties as part of her declared public health emergency for gun violence in New Mexico. 

According to the Governor, she will reevaluate and renew her public health order every 30 days. The order is for all of New Mexico, but only Albuquerque currently meets the requirements of 1,000 violent crimes per 100,000 people and more than 90 firearm-related emergency department visits for the ban to apply.

The Governor's order violates gun rights within the New Mexico Constitution and the Concealed Handgun Carry Act of 2003, which guarantees the concealed handgun rights of New Mexicans who qualify for and obtain a permit.

The Governor admitted she knew her order is unconstitutional, stating she wasn't sure she would win a legal challenge against it.

"She knew her order was illegal but did it anyway, just like the lawbreakers in our state. Criminals won't be affected by more laws since they don't follow our laws now nor are they held responsible for breaking any of them," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.

"This order removes protection from law-abiding New Mexican gun owners, leaving them and their families vulnerable in a city with the highest violent crime. How does that make sense?

Dangerous criminals won't be affected by the Governor's order and will continue to prey on vulnerable targets. Those who will be affected are the many responsible, gun-carrying women and mothers who will be left defenseless and unable to protect themselves and their children.

The Governor has let violent criminals out of prison. She weakened our police. She and the Democratic legislature allowed softer penalties for violent crime while stopping tough crime bills from passing. We have an open border where fentanyl and deadly drugs pour onto our streets and a mental health crisis exacerbated by the Governor's lockdowns.

This violent crime crisis is most prominent in blue cities nationwide, like Albuquerque, directly resulting from weak Democratic policy. Instead of reversing her failed approach, the Governor strips the rights of responsible gun-owning New Mexicans.

Her order puts citizens in a dangerous situation and is outright illegal. We expect to see the Governor's order challenged and defeated in court." 

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