Friday, September 1, 2023

NM Sen. Carrie Hamblen and the "Soviet Fashion Show"

A little while ago, I was reading the Piñon Post article on some left-wing New Mexico state senators who complained that the New Mexico State University allowed a Young America's Foundation speaker, Matt Walsh, back in April.

The article begins with:

A recent appearance by Matt Walsh at New Mexico State University (NMSU) has sparked controversy, prompting two New Mexico state senators to call for a review of the university’s policies that allowed Walsh to speak on campus.

Democratic State Senators Carrie Hamblen and William Soules, along with seven other government officials, including state, county, and municipal representatives, jointly penned a letter addressed to the interim president of the NMSU Board of Regents. The letter, which was reported by Young America’s Foundation, expressed their profound disappointment regarding Walsh’s presence at a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) event held on campus in April.

In the letter, Walsh was accused of “encouraging violence” and “spouting racist and pro-slavery rhetoric.” The officials also alleged that Walsh had “minimized accusations against known pedophiles and child abusers,” though they provided no substantiation for this accusation.

This photo of Senator Hamblen accompanied the article:

The photo struck me as hilarious as it reminded me of the very humorous 1985 Wendy's commercial of a "Soviet fashion show". Sen. Hamblin looks like the woman M.C. in the commercial.

Here's the commercial:

See the resemblance?

As the Wendy's commercial pointed out, people want choices and Sen. Hamblen doesn't want the NMSU students to have choices in political speakers with differing views, just like the Soviet Union. The left are spouting untruths in their letter. Thankfully, the university is resisting these leftist lunatics. Kudos to them!

As Janet commented on the article stated:
It’s a sad statement of where New Mexico is headed when you have members of the legislature choose to forget the fact they swore to uphold the Constitution. Why are they so afraid? I have to wonder about the mental stability of some elected officials in the state. Communism is on the horizon in NM.

To read the full article, go here.

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