Friday, September 1, 2023

Washington, DC Will Pay $5.1 Million For Second Amendment Violations

Washington, D.C. is run by leftist Democrats who have no qualms about violating the Second Amendment rights of its citizens.

That has led to a federal class-action lawsuit that forces them to pay $5.1 million to people who had their rights violated.

From Forbes:

After almost a decade of litigation, Washington, D.C. will pay out $5.1 million to settle a federal class-action lawsuit that challenged the city’s unconstitutional gun control laws. Under the settlement agreement, which received preliminary approval on Monday, the six gun owners who filed the lawsuit will receive $50,000 each.

One of those named plaintiffs was Maggie Smith, a North Carolina nurse who was pulled over by the Metropolitan Police Department in June 2014. During the stop, Smith told the officers that she was carrying a pistol licensed in her home state. Police arrested Smith, seized her gun, and threw her in jail, where she spent the night. Ultimately, both the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the D.C. Attorney General dropped the charges filed against her. Before that incident, Smith didn’t have any criminal record. 

To read more, go here

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