Sunday, October 22, 2023

Mitch's 70th Birthday

Mitch Geriminsky's 70th birthday party took place yesterday afternoon in Lake Havasu.

There was a sizable group there and some took advantage of jumping into his pool or jacuzzi. We had a great spaghetti dinner, thanks to his wife Holly.

As with all birthday parties, it included the opening of gifts.

Mine was planned out several months in advance. I contacted Asya in St. Petersburg, Russia to commission a farm scene painting. Their home decor is in a farm motif and I had an idea to have her paint a farm scene as "Mitchell Farms" and include his age as the address of the farm. During the process, I kept Holly in the loop, so she knew what Mitch would be getting.

I figured that since he essentially saved my bacon in Wells, Nevada five years ago when I had my heart attack, I owed him this. Plus, he has been a good friend since we were 13 years old.

Here is the painting:

Above, Mitchell Farms. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When Asya sent the painting to me, she included this birthday greeting:

After the birthday gifts were all opened. Mitch and I posed with the painting.

Above,  Mitch and I posed with the painting.. Photo by Dwight Kuntz.

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