Sunday, October 22, 2023

Now, About Framing The Painting

Above, the painting that needs to get framed. Photo by Armand Vaquer.
When Asya painted by portrait back in 2016, we went to a Tarzana frame shop to select a frame for it. She was a big help in the selection.

Then, when she painted the "Three Mesas" for me in 2018, she was back home in St. Petersburg, Russia. She shipped the finished painting to me from there. This prompted Janice, our then-post office clerk, to ask, "Did you order a door?" due to the wooden shipping box. I went down to Frame 'n Art in Gallup to get it framed. Luckily, since Asya and I are connected in WhatsApp, we did a video call at the frame shop and, again, her input on the frame was helpful.

We were planning to do this tomorrow morning (St. Petersburg is 10 hours ahead of Arizona time), for Mitch Geriminsky's "Mitchell Farms" painting at Hobby Lobby in Lake Havasu. Frame shops are rather limited in Lake Havasu. But, unfortunately, Mitch's father-in-law passed away last week and the funeral is tomorrow morning. Hobby Lobby is closed Sundays, so we can't do it today.

So, we will likely do the frame selection on Tuesday morning with Asya instead. It would be evening in Russia at that time. Following this, I will be heading back to New Mexico if all works out. Asya is currently checking her schedule.

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