Wednesday, October 18, 2023

National Parks Traveler Shutting Down At End of Year

Sad news this morning.

National Parks Traveler will be shutting down after this coming December 31. According to a post this morning, they have been unsuccessful in raising the funding to keep their operations going.

They have been a great source for information on our national parks over the years.

They posted:

After 18 years of continuous coverage of the U.S. National Park System and the National Park Service, and the issues relating to them —Essential Coverage for Essential Places— the National Park Traveler will go dark after December 31, 2023.

Since 2005 Kurt Repanshek, founder and editor-in-chief of the Traveler, and the news organization’s contributing writers, photographers, and broadcasters have visited parks across the United States and Canada to dive into the heart of stories big and small. We've brought you stories ranging from search-and-rescue operations, climate-change impacts on the parks, and over-crowding issues to questionable institutional decision-making, land-management conflicts, and how to make the most out of your national park adventures.

It is not that the Traveler wants to cease reporting; rather, it is that we have been unable to raise the support necessary to hire and retain both the editorial, fundraising, and support staff and services necessary to run an editorially independent nonprofit news operation. However, if another organization would like to take this on, we would be glad to talk to them.

To read more, go here

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