Wednesday, October 18, 2023

New York, California Exodus Continues

Above, a gasoline station near LAX last year. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

People are continuing to flee radical liberal states like New York and California.

The exodus is due to leftist policies, oppressive taxes, over regulation, crime, high cost of living, outrageous gasoline prices and anti-business policies.

From Fox News:

Americans are continuing to flee liberal states like New York and California for better home prices and taxes, but business experts warn the Biden economy is creating new problems for happy movers.  

VonFinch Capital founder and real estate investor Steven Pesavento said that during the pandemic, employees realized they no longer needed to live in the cities where they worked, which created new opportunities for a flexible lifestyle.

"It opened up an opportunity for them to get away from, you know, the high cost of living, the kind of oppressive civil policies and business policies, the high taxes, all of those things that they were willing to stay put over because it was what they needed for their job," Pesavento said.

California saw its first-ever population decline in 2020 when the state imposed rigid lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. From January 2020 to July 2022, the state lost well over half a million people, with the number of residents leaving surpassing those moving in by almost 700,000.

I knew what would happen to California when Gavin Newsom was elected governor. So I decided to get out and move to New Mexico five (almost six) years ago. I am glad I did and never looked back. New Mexico isn't perfect, but I am still happy I moved to where I did.

I've only been to Los Angeles once since I moved. It was for our high school 50th reunion a year ago. The visit reinforced my decision to leave in spades.

To read more, go here.

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