Thursday, October 5, 2023

Retirement Reimagined: The Therapeutic Wonders of Travel in The Golden Years

Above, yours truly enjoying the wonders of Monument Valley Tribal Park last year.

When I retired eight years ago (but I started collecting Social Security a few months after), I couldn't wait to do so.

My parents didn't have much of a retirement as they started having medical issues. I did as well, three years after. I thought at the time, when it cropped up, it was a good thing I retired when I did. 

After having two stents put in a coronary artery, I changed my diet, became more active, faithfully took my meds and followed doctors' orders. So far, everything is fine (knock on wood). 

One of the things I also did was to travel. World Health Net has posted an article on just this topic, "Retirement Reimagined: The Therapeutic Wonders of Travel In The Golden Years".

They begin it with:

Most people think that retirement is a time to slow down, rest, and spend sleepy evenings with the family. However, if you’re new to retirement, you may feel the urge to put your newfound freedom to good use.

Reimagining your retirement can help you make the most of your golden years. You don’t need to break the bank while traveling to new locations and countries, either. Traveling on a budget is easier today than ever before and can help you get more from life.

Traveling in your golden years can help you overcome common conditions like loneliness and depression, too. This is particularly powerful if you’re an early retiree or are struggling to adjust to life without a 9 to 5.

Above, two weeks ago with Ethan Wayne at the John Wayne Cancer Foundation marathon
near Ridgway, Colorado. I volunteered to man one of the course's aid stations for the runners.

Some family members and friends took their time to retire. Some are still working, chasing that "almighty dollar". Some who did finally retire, ended up being glad they did.

To read more, go here.

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