Thursday, October 5, 2023

RV Travel: What’s The Most Important RV Trip Prep?

Above, the "Gathering of the Geezers" in Quartzsite, Arizona.

What is the most important prep one should do before heading out on the road in the RV?

The answer may be a surprise (or maybe not). It's your health.

That is the subject of an article in RV Travel.

It begins with:

Getting ready for an extended RV trip usually involves making reservations, packing the RV, checking RV systems, and making arrangements for your stix-n-brix home while you plan to be away. You probably have preparation checklists (like this one). Don’t forget to include the most important part of RV trip prep—you and your health! Face it! If you get sick or feel tired as your trip begins, you may compromise your entire adventure. That’s why you need to consider some personal health prep before your RV travels begin. Here are some tips to help you do just that!

To read more, go here

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