Monday, November 13, 2023

Keeping Home Safe While You're Camping

As the following article says, taking steps to protect yourself on the road is important, but what about your home while you're out camping?

RV Travel has posted an article on keeping one's home safe from burglars while you are out camping with tips. I have employed several of them. Luckily, we have a good neighborhood in which everyone looks after each other's residences.

The article begins with:

We all take steps to keep ourselves and our RV safe while on the road. But how many take extra steps to deter burglars from our homes while on the road?

Pages have been written here and elsewhere about staying safe from crime while RVing.  However, little has been written about how to deter burglars from burglarizing your home in your absence while RVing. Full-timers no longer have to worry about a sticks-and-bricks house, but what about the rest of us? Personally, my home has been burglarized twice over the past 40 years while my wife and I have been traveling. After the last burglary, I studied up and doubled down on the steps I take to deter burglars from my home. So far, so good.

Here is what I learned and the steps I take to deter burglars:

To read more, go here

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