Monday, November 13, 2023

Last Night's Mini-Hunt

Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, I heard what was either a cat fight or an attack on a cat by a coyote. I tend to think the latter as I only heard one cat. It sounded pretty close.

I decided to go out and check. The sound seemed to come from Barking Spider Acre, so I headed there with my Ruger P95 9mm pistol and a flashlight.

I went there but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. It was pitch dark outside with a fine display of stars in the sky. Fortunately, it was about 41° outside, so I didn't get too cold.

The episode reminded me of the "great coyote hunt" of five years ago with my neighbors James and Scott. We went out several times behind my property and set up on the utility road. The only coyote sighting was on the first try and James managed to get off a shot but missed.

It was a fun activity anyway.


Above, James and yours truly five years ago during our "great coyote hunt."

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