Saturday, January 13, 2024

Block Introduces Border Barrier Funding Bill

Source: Press Release

ALAMOGORDO, N.M.—On Friday, New Mexico state Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo) announced H.B. 111 to spend $1.5 billion of New Mexico’s surplus revenues on the completion of the border barrier between Mexico and New Mexico. The current amount of unfinished border barrier between them is approximately 50.3 open miles. 

The appropriation follows the current market rate of border barriers, as done in the neighboring state of Texas, at approximately $30 million per mile.

As the border catastrophe continues under the current Joe Biden regime, which has done worse than nothing to stop the flow of illegal substances and immigrants into the country, the need to protect New Mexicans and migrants from deadly drugs, human trafficking, terrorism, and other criminal activity, is now a pandemic.

According to official reports, over seven million illegal immigrants have flooded into the United States under the Biden regime.

As Voice of America reported on January 3, 2024, “U.S. officials processed an estimated 300,000 people at the U.S. border with Mexico in December, which would be the highest number ever recorded, according to multiple news organizations.”

In recent history, New Mexico saw a record-breaking fentanyl drug bust, with one such seizure of over 1 million fentanyl pills, per the FBI.

With the truly criminal failure of the Joe Biden administration to stop the border crisis, our border state is now forced to do the job of the federal government to protect our citizens. I will not stand idly by and allow my constituents to continue to be saddled with the consequences of Biden’s failures,” said Rep. Block.

In 2023, I sponsored a memorial to bring awareness to the humanitarian catastrophe on our border, but it was killed by radical Democrats who refused to acknowledge this crisis on our doorstep. There is no better way to spend these excess revenues than by protecting our residents.” continued the representative.

Now that records are being shattered with the unparalleled numbers of illegal border crossings and tons of fentanyl flowing in, maybe now Democrats will finally begin to act to protect their constituents’ safety from this unprecedented border catastrophe. People continue dying daily due to the Cartel’s caravan of deadly fentanyl and human exploitation. The depravity and inhumanity must end — and I will do everything in my power to make that happen.

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