Saturday, January 13, 2024

News From NMSSA


Today at a press conference in Santa Fe, the governor unveiled her anti-gun and anti-freedom wish list for the 2024 Legislative Session. While we don't yet have bill numbers for each item, we are expecting them all to be filed in 2024.
  • A semi-automatic rife ban modeled after the failed federal proposal from Senator Heinrich
  • Banning the carrying of firearms in parks, playgrounds and near polling places
  • Raising the age limit to purchase firearms to 21
  • A 14-day waiting period when purchasing a gun
  • Expanding New Mexico's "red-flag" gun confiscation law (HB27)
  • Making it easier to sue gun manufacturers and retailers
Additionally, today we learned that a bill to place a 11% excise tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition in New Mexico will also be filed.

Our rights are on the line in 2024. We need every New Mexican who values their freedom and constitutional rights to get involved this year.

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