Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dinner At Jerry's Cafe

Above Jerry's Cafe in Gallup. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of the best Mexican restaurants (New Mexico style) in Gallup is Jerry's Cafe. 

The menu has a mix of Mexican and American foods and they are reasonably priced. The restaurant is a small one and quite often there are lines of customers waiting. 

Above, the cheese enchilada and chile relleno combo I had last night. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I headed there last evening for dinner and it was crowded as usual. But I was able to get a table right away. I was not in the mood for cooking at home after being somewhat cooped up at home due to snow storms, I decided to go to Jerry's.

I decided to try their cheese enchilada and chile relleno combo with red sauce. Red sauce is supposed to be milder than green sauce, but I started sweating after only a few bites. 

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