Sunday, January 28, 2024

Open Letter To The New Mexico Legislature

An open letter to the New Mexico legislature (I already sent an email version):

Don't be stupid!

There are several bills that infringe upon New Mexicans' Second Amendment rights that are before you during this legislative session. With the exception of the proposal of tax credits for buying a gun safe (a good idea), none of the bills before you are worth voting for. They will be either ineffectiveunconstitutional, a gift to the trial lawyers or a gross infringement of rights.

I must remind you that this is an election year. If you vote to pass anti-Second Amendment laws this year, angry citizens will be out to the polling places in droves this November and they will remember your treasonous vote against their rights. You will be jeopardizing your political future if you vote to pass these bad bills.

Don't be stupid, vote no on these bills!

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