Saturday, January 27, 2024

Hawaii Hotel Prices Up 70%, May Stifle Overtourism

Above, the Sheraton Waikiki in 2016. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The "powers that be" in Hawaii are talking about stifling overtourism by adding fees lately.'

However, that may not be necessary since hotel room rates have risen 70% since the end of the pandemic. They may take care of the overtourism "problem".

According to Beat of Hawaii:

With the nightly cost of Hawaii hotels, the state may not need to worry much longer about over-tourism. Between high prices and the pressure on vacation rentals, the issue could become self-regulating. Regular commenter John W. said today that “Hawaii hotel prices are outlandish.” And we concur. The December numbers speak for themselves.

BOH editors will be in West Maui in February to bring you more on-the-ground coverage. What we found, no matter how hard we tried, or where we looked, was what we deemed to be just too high pricing. In the end, given the cost, we chose not to book yet, waiting until the last minute. In addition to costs, the cancellation notice and penalties were too much to feel comfortable.

To read more, go here

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