Saturday, January 27, 2024

Stay Alive and Unhurt In Visiting National Parks

Above, Yellowstone's bears are best seen from a safe distance. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The frequency of moronic actions by tourists in Yellowstone National Park (and in some other national parks) seems to be on the rise.

Encounters between tourists and wild animals sometimes turn deadly. Also, not following the rules by staying on designated boardwalks can literally get one in to hot water. Former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan is in trouble for going off a designated boardwalk near a hot water feature. He is to go to trial over this.

RV Travel has some tips on how not to become a tragic "statistic".

They begin with:

A highly popular social media site, TouronsOfYellowstone, brings home the antics of “stupid” Yellowstone National Park visitors. Scores of film clips show human beings showing far less sense than “dumb animals.” How many times do visitors need to be reminded that bison don’t want to be ridden, bears fiercely guard their cubs, and moose on the loose are dangerous? Want to stay alive and unhurt while visiting the parks? Stick around—we have a few tips. 

To read more, go here

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