Friday, January 19, 2024

News From New Mexico Shooting Sports Association


It's finally here, the much-anticipated semiautomatic rife and magazine ban bill has been filed for the 2024 legislative session. HB137, which is modeled after United States Senator Heinrichs's failed federal legislation, was filed today. The bill would ban the sale and transfer gas-operated semiautomatic rifles and "large capacity" magazines. The bill is one the of governor's priorities this session and has already been sent to the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. We will notify you when it is scheduled for a hearing.

Two more bills we expected were officially filed today as well. SB90 would impose an 11% excise tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition. SB69 is the senate version of a 14 business day waiting period for firearm sales.

With less than 30 days to go, these bills will move quickly. Now is the time to start contacting your state representative and senator to ask them to oppose gun control in this session. With our partners at Better Together NM, we put together these links to help you quickly contact your representatives to ask them to oppose gun control.

Oppose HB129 Firearm Sale Waiting Period

Oppose HB114 Gun Industry Liability Bill

Oppose SB5 Polling Place Gun Free Zone

Oppose HB127 the under 21 gun and magazine ban

We will have more links for more bills in the coming days.

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