Friday, January 19, 2024

NM Gun-Grabbers Have Made Their Move

It was inevitable. The Democrats who control the legislature in Santa Fe, New Mexico have made their move. 

From Rep. Stefani Lord at 'X':

🚨They. Are. Coming. For. Your. Guns.🚨

@GovMLG is frothing at the mouth to pass this bill that bans ALL semi-auto rifles, leaving you with only bolt action, lever action, single shot, muzzleloaders, .22 caliber, and mandatory 10-round permanently fixed  (cannot be removed without a tool) magazines. 

To keep track of this insanity, they WILL need a gun registry!

Here's the bill:

It used to be that Democrats were cautious during an election year. Not anymore. The ultra-left socialists have taken over the Democrat Party and are no longer cautious. They have put ideology over common sense and the constitution.

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