Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Anti-Gun Politicians Owe Answers

Contrary to what one may think, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is "strictly non-partisan". They support those who support the Second Amendment, including Democrats.

NRA President Charles L. Cotton has posted an article at America's 1st Freedom on the growing number of Democrat households with firearms and the Anti-Gun Politicians who owe them answers.

It begins with:

Registered Democrats are buying guns like never before, and they’re headed our way. Are you ready?

Before anyone misconstrues my words: No, I’m not suggesting that the legacy media’s fever-dream fantasies of “civil war” or widespread “insurrection” in this election year are founded. No, when I say Democrats are buying guns and “heading our way,” what I’m saying is that they’re agreeing with us. They’re coming over to our side of this debate. That’s good news.

In case you missed it, last November, an NBC News poll found that the number of Democrats who reported owning firearms jumped significantly over the previous four years.

Between August 2019—when a similar survey was done by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal—and the survey last November, the number of registered Democrats who reported living in a home with a firearm increased from 33% to 41%.

What’s more, since 33% of registered Democrats also reported owning guns in a 2004 survey, that means the jump from 33% to 41% apparently occurred mostly over the past four years.

It’s not hard to understand why.

To read more, go here

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