Wednesday, February 21, 2024

"It's The Josey Wales!"

After going into Gallup this morning to do some grocery shopping, on the way home I stopped at the Flying J to pick up my mail.

One item in my mailbox was the latest (March) issue of American Rifleman. The first thing that popped into my head upon seeing the cover was, "It's the Josey Wales!" It was of Clint Eastwood in a familiar pose from the classic 1976 western, The Outlaw Josey Wales.

Besides being a great movie, The Outlaw Josey Wales is well-known among my circle as the movie a friend from Sacramento leased an antique (authentic) wagon to Eastwood's production company, Malpaso. Unfortunately, during a scene in which the rebels were surrendering to the Redlegs, a wagon caught fire and burned to the ground. It happened to be our friend's wagon. Oops!

The reason for Eastwood being on the cover is that the issue contains an article on "The Guns of The Outlaw Josey Wales:". It should be a good read. Maybe I'll watch the movie this evening.

The line, "It's the Josey Wales!" was used in the movie, by the way.

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