Thursday, February 22, 2024

Foreign Visitation To Japan Reached Pre-Pandemic Level In January

Above, a photo/movie shoot in Asakusa. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The numbers of foreign visitors to Japan reached pre-pandemic levels in January.

According to Kyodo News:

TOKYO - The number of foreign visitors to Japan soared 79.5 percent in January from a year earlier to about 2.69 million, reaching the level seen in the same month in 2019 before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, government data showed Wednesday.

The number of overseas visitors has been growing after Japan lifted border control measures related to COVID-19 in late April. A weak yen has also been fueling the return of inbound tourists.

The impact of a powerful earthquake that rattled central Japan on New Year's Day has been "limited," although some people in South Korea and China canceled their trips to Japan in the wake of the quake, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization.

To read more, go here

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