Saturday, February 3, 2024

NMSSA Legislative Update 2/2


This afternoon, HB129 was heard and voted on by the full New Mexico House of Representatives. The bill was amended from a 14-day waiting period down to a 7-day waiting period. The final vote was 37-33 with eight Democrats joining all Republicans in voting against the bill. You can see the votes here. The bill now heads to the Senate side. The waiting time was reduced, but we are still firmly against the bill and will continue to fight it on the Senate side. Please continue to keep up the pressure against the gun control bills, we have less than two weeks to go until the 30-day session is over.

We update the recipients of the following pre-written emails as the bills move through committees, so please continue to use them to contact legislators. Oppose HB27Oppose HB114Oppose HB 127Oppose HB129Oppose HB137Oppose SB5Oppose SB69Oppose SB90Oppose SB204, and Oppose SJR12. Thanks to our partners at Better Together NM who work with us on these alerts.

See you tomorrow morning.

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