Saturday, February 3, 2024

Study: 1.1 Million Americans Joining RV Lifestyle, Including EV Owners

If there was one thing we learned (or already should have) during this winter season is that electric vehicles (EV) are useless (and even potentially deadly). There have been numerous reports over the past few weeks that cold temperatures are not good or EV batteries and charging stations.

Despite this, some RV owners are saying they plan on buying an electric vehicle or even already one one, according to a recent study. Others are planning on joining the "RV lifestyle".

RV Travel has posted an article on this study.

They begin it with:

A recent study commissioned by the RV Industry Association (RVIA) concerning electric vehicles (EVs) and EV owners revealed the following:

  • 30% of leisure travelers who have used an RV already own an electric vehicle.
  • An astonishing 17% of leisure travelers who have used an RV plan to buy an electric vehicle within a year.
  • An additional 16% of RV users plan to purchase an electric vehicle sometime in the future.
  • 50% of leisure travelers who own an electric vehicle intend to tow an RV with it.
  • Remarkably, 22% of current electric vehicle owners and 30% of those planning to buy an electric vehicle are considering purchasing an electric motorhome.

Per the study, “Leisure travelers are defined as any U.S. residents who has taken some type of leisure trip in the past 12 months.”

To read more, go here

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