Friday, May 24, 2024

Best and Worst Times To Travel On Memorial Day Weekend

Above, who needs to fight holiday traffic when I have nearby Six Mile Canyon to enjoy? Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Now that Memorial Day weekend is upon us, the experts are expecting to see record numbers of people hitting the road or flying. This also marks the start of the summer vacation season.

For me, I am perfectly content to stay home. I haven't gone anywhere for Memorial Day weekend in years. 

CBS News has posted the best and worst times to travel on Memorial Day weekend.

They begin with:

NEW YORK - If you're going to hit the road this Memorial Day Weekend for the unofficial start of summer, you're not alone. 

Holiday travel is already underway in and around New York City ahead of the long weekend. 

AAA projects nearly 44 million people will be traveling more than 50 miles from May 23 through 27. That's a 4% hike from last year and, for the first time, will exceed pre-pandemic levels.

"We're projecting an additional one million travelers this holiday weekend compared to 2019, which not only means that we're moving beyond pandemic-era lulls, but also signals a very busy summer travel season ahead," Alec Slatky, of AAA Northeast, said. 

That means a record amount of road trips are expected. AAA estimates 38.4 million people will travel by car, the highest number for the holiday ever recorded since AAA began tracking in 2000.  

To read more, go here

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