Saturday, May 25, 2024

Last Evening At Jerry's Cafe

Above, Russ and I at Jerry's Cafe in Gallup.

Last evening, one of my Jamestown friends, Russ Azbill, and I went to dinner at Jerry's Cafe in Gallup. He had never eaten there before.

I had earlier called him to ask him if he had a .38 Special/.357 Magnum pistol as I had some snake shot rounds in those calibers to give him. A few days ago, his dog Derek got bit on the tongue by a rattlesnake. Russ only had .22 caliber snake shot. The dog is at the vet's in Milan and should be coming home Monday (if they're open). He seems to be improving.

As we were talking, I mentioned I was going to Jerry's Cafe that evening and asked if he'd like to come along and I would give him the rounds then. He did and we went.

He liked Jerry's. I told him that Genaro's and Jerry's are my two favorite restaurants in Gallup.


The vet called Russ this morning and Derek is being released today.

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