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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Thunderstorms Today?

Above, the view from the deck about ten minutes ago. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last night's rains were a bit on the disappointing side.

Yes, we had rain, but it amounted to a little more than a trace. No thunderstorming. But, at least the rain was somewhat steady overnight and The Beast did get most, if not all, of the dust from the clampout washed off.

A few minutes ago, I checked The Weather Channel and it forecasts scattered thunderstorms for about the next seven hours. We'll see.

Above, the wet deck and patio furniture. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

At least right now we are having light rain in Jamestown. Of course, Arizona is getting the brunt of the remnants of Hurricane Rosa and we are just getting basically the edge of it. Since we need rain here, we'll take it.

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