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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Extending The "Death Sentence"

Above, on Six Mile Canyon Road last April. Photo by Nandoh Munoz.

Yesterday, when Rush Limbaugh provided his listeners an update on his health, he said,

It’s tough to realize that the days where I do not think I’m under a death sentence are over. Now, we all are, is the point. We all know that we’re going to die at some point, but when you have a terminal disease diagnosis that has a time frame to it, then that puts a different psychological and even physical awareness to it. 

I can empathize with that statement to a certain degree. Two years ago, when I had my heart attack in Wells, Nevada, my pulse rate went down to 24. I was damn close to "death's door" that day. Thanks to the quick action by Mitch Geriminsky in getting the paramedics to me and the doctors who put in two stents into a coronary artery, I am here to enjoy life.

But while my life was saved, it also made me think that unless I made some lifestyle changes, I would not live much longer than what my parents did. Both died in their 70s.

I have cut red meats drastically, which was hard since I love a good steak. I my diet is mainly chicken, vegetables and fish (thank God I love sushi). I faithfully take my medications. I am getting more exercise and driving the Jeep around our community and in Six Mile Canyon has made my cardiologist happy. My weight has dropped to its lowest level (205 lbs.) since right after college.

While all this is all good, I am still mindful that any slip-ups would put me into a "death sentence" as well. So, like Rush, my aim is to push back further my own death sentence. 

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