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Saturday, December 11, 2021

7 Personality Traits For Full-Time RVing

Above, Graceland RV Park in Memphis during my 3-week cross-country trip. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Full-time RVing isn't for everyone.

Some people thrive on it while others don't. The closest I came to full-time RVing was when I took a three week cross country trip to Illinois and Tennessee back in 2016 and when I lived in my motorhome for 12 days after moving to New Mexico and was waiting for the movers to deliver my stuff.

Yes, I know those hardly qualifies as full-time RVing. 

As for myself, I prefer short trips and having a "base camp" home to come to. The scenery across the valley from my New Mexico home is such that it seems like living near a national park.

RV Travel has a survey on seven best personality traits of full-time RVers. Do you have what it takes to be a full-timer?

They start it with:

Many folks are jumping into a new lifestyle – full-time living on the road. It sounds exciting and invigorating! Just think, you can sell your bricks ‘n sticks home and say goodbye to lawns that need mowing, exterior siding and interior walls that require painting, and general maintenance that will keep you busy from now until Sunday. You can say goodbye to obnoxious neighbors and that finicky furnace, too. You can work remotely while watching seagulls fly or deer prance about and you can check off your “Things to See Before I Die” list, as well.

But before you stab that “For Sale” sign on your lawn, take this very unofficial self-survey. If you find you have most of the character traits necessary for life exclusively on the road, maybe full-time RVing is for you!

To read more and take the survey, go here

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