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Monday, January 10, 2022

John Block Running For State Representative 51st District

This morning, I received the following email:

Armand —
From fighting mask mandates and Critical Race Theory being pushed in our schools to punching back against inhumane forced COVID shots, I have stood alongside you every step of the way. And I am excited to share some news with you to continue our fight.
Today, I am announcing my campaign for state representative in New Mexico’s 51st District in Alamogordo — a community I cherish and am proud to call home.
Now more than ever, New Mexicans desperately need PROVEN FIGHTERS in our Legislature who have relentlessly battled for our values every step of the way.
From testifying in committees at the Legislature in support of our Law Enforcers to helping kill extreme Democrat bills, I hope the work we have accomplished together has proven how much I care about our community and our state and how hard I will fight for you at the Roundhouse.
Through the publication I founded and continue to run, the Piñon Post, we have shed light on massive public corruption and abuses of power while amplifying conservative voices with true and honest reporting. I can proudly say that we have fought AND WON against Michelle Lujan Grisham (MLG) and the Radical Democrats before. I am ready to win more victories for you at the Roundhouse!
But our current legislator was the lone vote against tax relief for hurting small businesses during MLG’s brutal COVID-19 lockdown, voted to raise our taxes, and was absent or voted against us on key bills regarding domestic terrorism, the economy, and the sacred right to LIFE.
When we needed our representative the most, she was nowhere to be seen. BUT I WAS THERE FIGHTING FOR YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Otero County deserves a stronger voice.
I am a home-grown native New Mexican and I love our community. With my experience as a staffer at the NM House of Representatives, as a small business owner, and with my work fighting to protect babies in the womb, our Second Amendment, and our brave Law Enforcers and Military Service Members, what we’ve accomplished so far to save our state will matter that much more when we send an America-First champion to the Roundhouse.
As I step forward on this journey to help take back our district and to reclaim our New Mexico, I humbly ask for your support and pledge to you today: I will always put the PEOPLE above any special interest group, lobbyist, or political power player. Our conservative district deserves a conservative champion representing it.
As one of this campaign’s first supporters, Armand, your encouragement will start us off for success to supercharge this truly grassroots movement. Here are some first steps you can take to boost our campaign:
I will never waver and I will never let you down, Armand.
ALWAYS fighting for you, 
John Block
Piñon Post Founder & Editor
America-First Republican Candidate
New Mexico House District 51 

© 2021 Piñon Post LLC

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