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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Bedonie Outs Herself As A Spoiler

Above, Karen Bedonie, libertarian turned screwball.

If dogcatcher were an elective office and Karen Bedonie ran for it in New Mexico, she would not get my vote. Furthermore, she would never get my vote for any future campaign she may enter.

Sunday night, apparently during a live stream video, she outed herself as a spoiler who seeks to split the Republican vote between herself and Mark Ronchetti. Some libertarian!

Piñon Post reported:

On Sunday night, a video began circulating showing a Republican-turned-Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie saying her Republican rival Mark Ronchetti “cannot win” with her in the race. Both are running to unseat Democrat first-term Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

In the video shared on Twitter, Bedonie says, “The only comfort I find in this race is that man (Mark Ronchetti) cannot win with me in the way. That man cannot win this race. He will never be governor as long as I am alive and well and in this race. 

The snippet appears to be taken from a previous live stream Bedonie made, where she claimed around the 22:30 mark, “It’s amazing some of the phone calls that come in. Like, what does it take for a person to really hate somebody to call the campaign and to yell at our campaign team and telling them that Karen’s gonna split the vote? How crazy are you really thinking this is because it’s impossible to split a vote that was never his? Ronchetti is not a conservative, he’s not a New Mexican. The only comfort I find in this race is that man (Mark Ronchetti) cannot win with me in the way. That man cannot win this race. He will never be governor as long as I am alive and well and in this race”

Besides angering Republicans, Bedonie apparently has turned off some of her own supporters with this admission. At least she made this admission now instead of at the last minute so people can absorb the fact that she is a wacko.

Anyone who would vote for this screwball after this should get their head examined.

To read more, go here

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