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Monday, January 2, 2023

Candlestick Phone

Above, yours truly with the candlestick phone. Photo by Mitch Geriminksky.

While visiting Mitch & Holly Geriminsky in Lake Havasu over the Christmas weekend, I spotted an old-fashioned candlestick telephone on display in their home. A nice little antique!

Right away, it reminded me of scenes from the 1953 Adventures of Superman episode, "Superman In Exile" in which the Man of Steel (George Reeves) becomes radioactive from a nuclear reactor and has to exile himself in the mountains near Metropolis. He communicated with Lois Lane (Noel Neill) and Professor Adams (Joseph Forte) using a candlestick phone in the mountain cabin he was staying in.

Above, Superman (George Reeves) using a candlestick phone in "Superman In Exile".

For the fun of it, I had Mitch take a picture of me with the phone. 

Here's a little history of candlestick telephones from Wikipedia:

The candlestick telephone (or pole telephone) is a style of telephone that was common from the late 1890s to the 1940s. A candlestick telephone is also often referred to as a desk stand, an upright, or a stick phone. Candlestick telephones featured a mouth piece (transmitter) mounted at the top of the stand, and a receiver (ear phone) that was held by the user to the ear during a call. When the telephone was not in use, the receiver rested in the fork of the switch hook protruding to the side of the stand, thereby disconnecting the audio circuit from the telephone network. 

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