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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Tucker Carlson: Ep. 4, WANNABE DICTATOR

Above, the banner at the center of the flap.

The "fit hit the shan" when Fox News on Tuesday broadcast a banner calling His Fraudulency Joe Biden a "Wannabe Dictator" while covering the arrest of former President Donald Trump.

This banner was only up for about 30 seconds, but Democrats hit the ceiling over it. The producer who allowed it was fired and Fox News issued an apology.

Above, what the broadcast on Fox News showed.

Tucker Carlson discusses the Wannabe Dictator flap in a new video on Tucker On Twitter

Here it is:

From the Daily Caller:
Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson took aim at President Joe Biden, whom he branded a “wannabe dictator,” in an episode of “Tucker on Twitter” released Thursday.

Carlson lambasted the president’s leadership in his fourth episode of the popular series, “Tucker on Twitter.” He called out the media and the Biden administration for punishing those who dare label the president with this title, including Fox News for reportedly firing an employee for labeling the president as a “wannabe dictator” in a chyron.

“If the banner on Fox was false, why the hysteria?” Carlson said. “Lies don’t seem to bother anyone anymore. If some cable news producer had called Joe Biden a genius or accused him of being secretly Sudanese, would anyone be yelling about it? Would Fox News have apologized for it? Probably not. But calling Joe Biden a wannabe dictator, that stung. So you’ve got to wonder, if you’re being honest with yourself, is Joe Biden a wannabe dictator?”
To read more, go here.

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