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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Lujan Grisham's EV and Gasoline Price Hike Scheme

Above, the future if Lujan Grisham gets her way.

The idiocy of the far-left is astounding. 

They think of themselves as our "lords and masters" and can decree anything they want on the citizenry. The latest is lunatic New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's scheme to force people into electric vehicles. (Where is she going to get the power for recharging stations that currently don't exist? Does the San Juan Generating Station closure ring a bell?) She also wants to hike gasoline prices by over 50 cents per gallon.

She is trying to "Californicate" New Mexico. (Notice how people in Commiefornia are fleeing the state in droves?) Gasoline prices are over $5.00/gallon in Los Angeles. It is currently around $3.19/gallon for unleaded regular in New Mexico.

Some snippets from the Piñon Post:

In her latest act to reach her so-called “climate change” goals, far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wants to mandate that nearly half of all cars sold in New Mexico be electric vehicles by 2027 (43 percent), she announced on Monday.

The proposed mandate would make the percentage increase to 82 percent by 2032.

The average cost of an electric vehicle is $64,000, while the average cost of a new vehicle in the U.S. is $48,000 — which is 33 percent higher for an electric vehicle.

Also on Monday, the governor demanded the state Legislature pass the extremist “clean fuel standard,” which would hike gas prices by over 50 cents per gallon, according to estimates. The bill has died three years in a row and is unlikely to get through with the makeup of the current New Mexico House and Senate. 

Larry Behrens of the pro-energy group Power The Future wrote of Lujan Grisham’s proposal, “This is another misguided proposal that begs the question if the governor’s electric vehicles are so popular,” adding, “why does she have to force them on us?"

Everyone needs to contact their state representatives and tell them to oppose these radical extremist proposals.

To read the full article (be sure to read the article's comments), go here

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