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Monday, January 8, 2024

California’s Gun Ban In Most Public Places Is Blocked Again

A new California law (a part of Senate Bill 2) banning weapons from certain places has again been blocked.

This time, it was federal appellate panel who did the blocking.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported:

SAN DIEGO —  The new year was supposed to usher in a controversial new California law tightly narrowing where people can carry firearms — including those licensed to carry a concealed weapon.

But instead it’s been whiplash, as courts grapple with a host of legal challenges by gun owners and advocacy groups.

A federal district court judge had blocked the law in December, calling it “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.” The state appealed his ruling, and a federal appeals court said on Dec. 30 the law could go into effect. It referred the case to a special 9th Circuit merit panel.

On Saturday, a federal appellate panel again blocked the law from going into effect. Arguments before the merit panel are slated for April.

The new law, part of Senate Bill 2, bars people from bringing guns to more than two dozen specific “sensitive places,” including parks, playgrounds, museums, any sort of medical office or facility, and places of worship — churches, mosques, synagogues and such.

To read the full article, go here

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