"There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit." - President Ronald Reagan.

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Monday, May 13, 2024

G-FEST XXIX Flights Booked

Above, yours truly with J. D. Lees at G-FEST XXVI in 2019.

Although I have already booked my room for G-FEST XXIX months ago, my trip to the convention is now official as I have booked my flights.

It is a good thing that I did as the total fare is under $400, which is surprising during these times of high inflation. 

Additionally, the flights are non-stop from Albuquerque to Chicago. It seems that non-stop flights are a bit more rare than in the past. At least I won't be sent to some nightmarish airports like Denver or Dallas-Fort Worth.  

The last G-FEST I attended was G-FEST XXVI in 2019. It will be nice to see everybody again this year.


J.D. Lees said...

The peace pipe is still hanging on the wall of my cabin as a happy reminder of you. As you well know, it also has a special meaning for both of us. I look forward to getting together again this summer, and now that I'm not "running the show," having more time to chat and reminisce. You also rescued my wallet that year!

Armand Vaquer said...

Funny, I was thinking about the wallet rescue the other day and for the life of me, I don’t remember how I got to that store. Probably Uber.

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