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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Man Attacked By Grizzly in Grand Teton National Park Survives

Above, Grand Teton National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A man hiking in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming was attacked by a grizzly bear.

Fortunately, he survived the attack because the bear activated a can of bear spray on herself. The bear was protecting her cubs, by the way.

RV Travel begins their article on the attack with:

A hiker in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park was miraculously saved this past week when a grizzly bear used bear spray on itself!

Shayne Patrick Burke, a disabled Army Reserve veteran, described his encounter with a grizzly bear in Grand Teton National Park as “the most violent” experience of his life. On a hike to photograph owls, Burke spotted a grizzly cub and was soon attacked by its mother. 

To read the full story, go here

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