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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Moribund California Republican Party

Above, Ronald Reagan addressing a rally at the 1979 California Republican Party
 convention at the Town & Country Hotel in San Diego. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, I regularly attended the annual conventions of the California Republican Party (also known as the Republican State Central Committee of California). 

These days, state party has become a moribund shell of its former self. During the days of Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian and even Pete Wilson, the party had fairly decent leadership. I remember the days when the party mobilized its troops and won many special elections, even during the Watergate period.

Since Arnold Schwarzenegger's disastrous terms as governor, including his wacko Proposition 14, California has become essentially a one-party state. Small wonder it is called Commiefornia.

The party held its first 2024 convention in Burlingame last month. I just read one person's report on how the convention went and it is not too encouraging. 

The report, by William Del Pilar, begins with:

I am back from the California Republican Party (CAGOP) convention. My first in a few years, and many familiar faces are no longer around. While old leadership remains, I did see more younger faces than ever before. That gives me hope.

It was also great to see the San Diego Young Republicans out as a visible group. I met the future:

  • A young female mayor with chutzpah, Indian farmers who’ve had enough.
  • Latinos are fed up with Democrats hiding transitioning children from them.
  • More blacks and Latinos are tired of CAGOP RINOs and are entering political races.

Sadly, none of that matters to an extent because leadership continues to be led by a token Latina who was elected not once, twice, but three times to serve her masters and not the people. For the bigots who want to call me racist, WRONG! I’m a conservative Latino, and I don’t need to be Latino to figure out why this person was selected to lead the CAGOP. She works for those above her who pay her, not the people!

To read the full report, go here

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