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Monday, October 1, 2018

California Democrats Threatened By $4.00/Gallon Gas Prices

The Looney Left Report

Democrats in California should be panicking. With the November elections just a month away, now is not a good time for gasoline prices to skyrocket to near $4.00/gallon.

The reason is that they passed a gasoline gas tax hike as well as hiking vehicle registration fees (supposedly for road repair, but we all know they will dip into it for other things) despite the fact that road maintenance was supposed to be paid for by gas taxes and registration fees that have been around for decades.

This is the result of the one-party dictatorship in the former Golden State. The Republican Party in Commiefornia is almost non-existent, so the Democrats can do anything they want.

Thank goodness I moved out of California this year. It is not a friendly state for free enterprise or for retirees. Small wonder that middle class people are moving out.

The Daily Caller posted:
Gas prices in Southern California are hovering around $4 per gallon as Golden State Democrats attempt to defend an unpopular gas tax outgoing Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed in 2017. 
The average pump price for regular gas in the Los Angeles area is hovering around $3.736 a gallon Thursday, up nearly 19 percent from a year earlier, according to the American Automobile Association. It’s an unwelcome development for Democrats who are fighting for their political lives. 
The average price in California stood at $3.683 a gallon, up 18 percent from $3.11 in 2017, the AAA said. A portion of the increase stems from the unpopular 12-cent increase in California’s fuel excise tax that went into effect in November. The state tax now sits at 41.7 cents per gallon and is one of the highest in the country. 
Nearly 58 percent of voters oppose the tax increase, including 39 percent who say they strongly reject the legislation, according to a survey the University of California, Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies conducted shortly after the measure was passed in April 2017. Only 35 percent of voters surveyed at the time favored the law, which also hikes vehicle registration fees to fix roads.
If you thought Jerry Brown is bad, just wait and see what happens if Gavin Newsom becomes governor. He's 1,000 times worse than Brown.

To read more, go here.

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