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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Bait & Switch: Gov. Newsom Redirects Gas Tax Money

California's gasoline tax is the highest in the nation.
California drivers were paying an average $3.75 per gallon as of late June, far above the national average of $2.71 calculated by AAA. The gas tax will increase to 47.3 cents a gallon July 1, according to the state Board of Equalization, and continue to increase indefinitely starting next year to keep up with the California Consumer Price Index. 
The money from the increase is supposed to go to roads and bridges along with bicycle and pedestrian projects.   

Well, Californians can kiss those road projects, bridge work, bike and pedestrian projects goodbye. 

When the gas tax hike was passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, many of us were predicting that the greedy Commiefornia politicians would have another pot of cash to tap into.

Sure enough, not even a year after the hikes took effect, Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to raid the gas tax fund.

CBS47 reported:
With a stroke of his pen, California Governor Gavin Newsom has redirected part of the money you pay at the pump with the state’s gas tax to the railway system and other projects. 
Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-19-19. 
It calls for leveraging billion in annual state transportation funds to reduce green house gases and emissions. 
The order directs money away from fixing local highways, stalling important projects here in the valley. 
Valley Assemblyman Jim Patterson (R)-Fresno, is upset and wants Republicans and Democrats in the state to speak out. 
Assemblyman Patterson says, “One of the very first things Governor Newsom decides to do, is put forward an executive order and his people at Caltrans have decided they are going to terminate addition north and south freeway lanes on Highway 99 in Tulare and Madera County. I’m almost speechless with response to this.” 
According to the Caltrans report, the projects cost a total of 17-million dollars.
But that is not all. 
The report also states some $61-million in uncommitted funds will be held in reserve for priority rail projects and other priorities aligned with Executive Order N-19-19. 
Assemblyman Patterson says, “When you pay for gas and you pay a gas tax, a railroad is not a highway. This is bait and switch. This is saying one thing and doing something else. I just think all who represent California both Democrats and Republicans have better step up and stand up and say Mr. Governor you can’t do this.”
See? We told you so! Small wonder there's a petition campaign to have Newsom recalled. Obviously, he didn't learn from ex-Gov. Gray Davis's example.

To read more, go here.

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