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Saturday, September 4, 2021

San Francisco's "Cash For Criminals"

California constantly lives up to its "Land of Fruits and Nuts" image.

The latest is an insane "pilot program" in San Francisco (the looniest city in the state) to pay people not to shoot other people. In other words, "Cash For Criminals".

The city of Richmond already has a similar program.

From Fox News:

San Francisco is rolling out a pilot program that will pay high-risk individuals to not shoot anyone as gun crimes tick up in the city. 

"These small investments can transform the lives of individuals, but they can also transform communities," Sheryl Davis, executive director of the Human Rights Commission, told Newsweek.

The Dream Keeper Fellowship will pay 10 individuals who are at high risk of being on either end of a shooting $300 each month to not be involved in such crimes. 

I bet the taxpayers there are very happy over this!

In Dirty Harry (1971) the mayor of San Francisco (John Vernon) said:

The City of San Francisco does not pay criminals not to commit crimes. Instead, we pay a police department.

When I heard about this "Cash For Criminals" program a few days ago, the above lines came immediately to mind. A lot has sure changed since then.

To read more, go here

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