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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Otaku Magazine Celebrates 10 Years With Offer

Greetings Fellow OTAKU!

It's hard for me to believe, but for 10 years running, Otaku USA Magazine has been THE source for anime, manga, gaming, j-pop, cosplay, rubber monsters, and other fantastical things from Japan: the land of the rising FUN!

That's right! Otaku USA is officially polishing off our 10th year of publication! Can you believe it all started waaaaaaay back when our first issue hit the stands with an August 2007 cover date?

I'll tell you more about how we got started, but first, to help us celebrate, we're offering fans of Anime Expo a super-special — super cheap — subscription offer: 1 year, for only $14.

That's $21 OFF the single-copy cost. And 30% off our regular subscription rate.

OTAKU USA Magazine
Anime Expo Special Offer
1 Year, $14 Bucks

How We Started

In early 2005, I quit my job at Viz Media, where I had been an assistant editor at Animerica magazine. I spent about a year afterward living in Tokyo, working on book projects, but eventually I needed another regular gig.

In the summer of 2006, I saw an ad looking for an editor for a new "Anime/ Manga/Gaming" magazine, which sounded like something I could do, so I sent over my résumé and crossed my fingers. Once it was clear I got the job, it was knuckle-down time, and the fun really started — we had to make a new magazine from scratch. We've been going strong ever since!

Our Name

The word "otaku" was kind of disreputable in Japan, where it had negative connotations, but lots of American fans were increasingly comfortable using it as sort of a badge of honor; labeling themselves as passionate fans of Japanese pop culture. Most "normal" people didn't know what the word "otaku" meant at all, and that was fine. I didn't want to make an anime-manga magazine for casual viewers.

Our writers lived and breathed in the deep end, and we wanted to reach readers who were down there with us. So I decided to name the magazine Otaku USA. The publisher was okay with that and generally accepted all my editorial decisions from that point on.

Our Readers

One of the most rewarding aspects of working on the magazine is hearing from our readers. We get letters all the time from people that say that they don't have any other friends who like anime and manga where they live so Otaku USA is their only connection to fandom. We've gotten letters from people in prison and people deployed as soldiers overseas who say the magazine helps get their minds off their problems. There was even an Otaku USA wedding... two people met at the bookstore over an issue of Otaku USA and wound up falling in love. They took a photo at their wedding where everyone has an issue of our magazine in their hands.

That's why here at Otaku USA Magazine, we are celebrating 10 glorious years by offering our Anime Expo friends our incredible magazine all year long for a super-discounted price.

Patrick Macias, Editor

OTAKU USA Magazine
Anime Expo Special Offer
1 Year, $14 Bucks

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