Congressman Brad Sherman, D-Sherman Oaks, caught a lot of heat last Sunday when he appeared at a Reseda townhall meeting, according to the Contra Costa Times.
He caught flak over his vote for the $800 billion stimulous/porkulous bill. He claimed that he voted against the Wall Street bailout.
That doesn't negate the fact that he voted to mortgage our future generations and saddle them with debt.
He also voted last Friday for the cap and trade (i.e., cap and tax) energy bill, which the Wall Street Journal calls the "biggest tax hike in history" if it passes the Senate. Note that nobody in the House bothered to read the bill (it wasn't available for reading, except for a 300-page amendment) before voting on it.
It is funny that it took a Northern California newspaper to report on Sherman's townhall meeting. Kudos to the Contra Costa Times!
To read the full article, go here.
The SF Valley Congressman Brad Sherman(D) town Meeting 2007
I arrived early to get a seat in the large High School auditorium. Sherman aides and interns were busy in the lobby pushing the Congressman’s mailing list. I was given a one ticket because there was to be a orderly line for the question period. The early lower number tickets had a better chance to speak and be heard by the Congressman. I sat down and the auditorium was only 1/3 full and most people there were the ‘retired’ crowd so I couldn’t tell what their mood was. We all moved to sit in front of Sherman's view. Finally we started, Sherman came out and told us about his committee responsibilities on Congress. He is a very blabby fellow. I then recognized that he was a democratic member of the Congressional Immigration Fact Finding Meeting that was in San Diego and Texas. He was on CNN in San Diego when he started his participation with those meetings saying, ‘These meetings are a waste of time and money. This is merely a Dog & Pony Show!’ and then did not actively participate in the meetings investigations. I thought he displayed a real crappy attitude and unbounded arrogance to his fellow Con-gressman, the State officials testifying, the voters attending and the CNN national audience. With that attitude, I wondered if he thought the same of this town hall meeting too? Sherman asked people to have a short simple question and keep the complicated long questions to a minimum. Finally, he got to the question time. He had the people who had Sherman staff initialed ‘question asking tickets’ to speak first. These folks took 90% of the time. They were a combination of le-gitimate questions from problems, long ranting statements with no questions, ‘tin-foil hat’ speakers, and shouts from the frustrated members of the audience. Then ticket numbers called forth were only in the first ten digits from the tickets given out tonight. And **LASTLY immigration**. We were deep into overtime, and we were told that we had to close. It looked like the illegal problem was not going to be addressed by ‘Open Borders D- voting report card' Sherman. The last person in line to speak, a lady was bringing up a related problem with closing hospitals due to illegals not paying their bills and overcrowding. Well, hallelujah…. Finally. Sherman started to ‘tap dance’ around the issue sarcastically saying: that at the border there are two big signs. One says ‘DO NOT ENTER’ and the other one says, ‘HELP WANTED’ and then he smiled at the listening crowd. At this point a gentleman yelled out, ‘That’s no answer. Where do you stand on the issue!’ Sherman started to ‘tap dance’ more. Then our friends yelled out, ‘You're the one who called the Congressional Hearings in San Diego a ‘Dog and Pony Show. I know because I was there!’ Sherman repeated his San Diego response again with,‘It was a show…and there were some very dirty dogs and some very ugly ponies!’ The audience gentleman then said additionally, ‘You insult the voters. Shame! I am not voting for you!’ A well dressed black woman sitting quietly through all this asked Sherman, ‘Why did you vote for such-and-such open borders bill? I am an immigration lawyer and you are wrong to vote ‘for’ that bill, Congressman." I was told by the lawyer that there should not be any amnesty because it caused much more problems since ’84. At this time, the question time was abruptly closed and chaos ruled.
Thanks for the first-hand account. It's much appreciated!
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ps...I was the poster who sent you the Brad Sherman town hall account.
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