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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Cody, Wyoming This Summer

One of things I want to do when I take a vacation trip up to Wyoming this summer is to go to the Winchester Arms Collectors Association show in Cody

This year's show will be held on July 11-15. 

Here's the 2023 WACA show video:

I have to time it so that I can get from Cody over to Little Bighorn Battlefield by Sunday, July 15. The Battlefield will only be open on Fridays through Sundays this summer due to construction. 

I hope to be in Cody by around July 8 so that I can see other things while in town like the Cody Firearms Museum and the Cody Nite Rodeo. 

This is the only time constraint I have for the trip. After Little Bighorn, I plan to head east to Devil's Tower National Monument and then roam around the Black Hills of South Dakota at my leisure. I received a vacation package yesterday from the South Dakota tourism association. 

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