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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Internet Movie Firearms Database

Suppose you are watching a movie, a western, perhaps, and you notice that a Winchester 1892 lever-action is being used by an actor but the story takes place in 1875. But you aren't totally sure.

Well, there's a website that is the Internet Movie Firearms Database that can tell you what guns are being used in the movie and whether or not a blooper took place like in the first paragraph. 

I have made use of the IMFDB a few times for references in blog posts. 

According to their "About", the website states:

The Internet Movie Firearms Database (IMFDB) is a community-built Wiki that documents the guns found in movies, television series, video games, and anime. Founded in 2007, IMFDB has a large community of active readers and editors, including professional armorers with first-hand knowledge of Hollywood armories.

With 31,190 articles on shows, guns, and actors, IMFDB is the internet's #1 resource for firearms in popular media.

The IMFDB definitely comes in handy!

To access it, go here.

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