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Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Inventor of the Loop Campground

Above, Yosemite's North Pines Campground. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One learns something new everyday, as so the saying goes.

I learned something new this morning while reading the RV Travel Sunday Newsletter.

It is about the man who invented the loop campground. I've never given it a thought before until this morning.

According to Chuck Woodbury in RV Travel:

I bet you have never heard of Emilio Meinecke. I hadn’t until recently. If you are in a campground right now, whether in a national park, national forest or a KOA, please stop reading for a moment and walk out your RV’s front door and look around. You will see evidence of his work.

Emilio Meinecke, born in 1869, was a plant pathologist for the U.S. Forest Service. His major claim to fame, however, is as the inventor of the loop campground. It was about 90 years ago, in the early 1930s. His design changed camping forever. You know the design because you’ve seen it too many times to count — a one-way loop road, with auto pullouts every so often that designate individual campsites. In most cases, each site had (and often still does) a fireplace and/or campfire.

To read more, go here

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