Since I haven't received the current issue of G-FAN (#87) as of yet, I haven't been able to do my usual summary. However, Ryan Clark received his issue and he sent me his summary. I am happy to post it here. Thanks, Ryan!
Son of Ackermonster? intro by J.D. Lees
Godzilla: My Old Friend Akira Takarada Interview by totorom
Mystery Photo (Famous Monsters tribute)
Godzilla Takes A Holiday: Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster Retrospective by John LeMay
Adapting Godzilla 1985: Easier Said Than Done, Interview with Lisa Tomei by Brett Homenick
Tales of King Komodo: Episode 5 by Mike Rogue & Todd Tennant
Dracula vs. Godzilla: A Tale of Two Studios by John LeMay
Chasing FM #30 by Mike Bogue
Master Monster Maker by James Babbo
Ichiro's Mom's Fond Memories, interiew with Machiko Naka by Brett Homenick
Gfantis: Heart of the Beast! by Matt Frank and Daniel Arias-Maduro
G-Fan Retro Review: The Monolith Monsters by Mike Bogue
Steve Agin's Toy Report: Kaiju Cavalcade
Curtain Call For Far East Monsters: Bad Economy Claims Company by Tom Tvrdik
Kaiju Treats!
G-Fest Registration Info
Gamera The Brave DVD Review by Ryan Clark
Note: J. D. completely forgot to include the photos of Haruo Nakajima at the new Godzilla statue at Toho Studios with his Mangled Skyscraper Award (hey, it happens). He promised that they will be included in issue 88 (summer issue) along with an interview and a DVD review Brett Homenick completed and an interview that I completed. There just wasn't enough room due to the Famous Monsters (the format didn't allow for much text) salute and other goodies.
Additional Note: On G-FEST XVI, I was able to negotiate a special arrangement for the movie screenings with Toho (sometimes having friends in high places comes in handy!). J. D. will make an announcement when everything is finalized. Fans will be very pleased as this will make Kenji Sahara's G-FEST appearance much more memorable!
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